Friday, 30 March 2018

How to make history timelines

Step 1: Plan Your Timeline
Write out the years and events you need in your timeline on a separate piece of paper. You don’t have to elaborate here. This is just for reference later on so you don’t miss out any dates and to plan out your space.
Step 2: Name your Timeline
I did my timeline on a blank A5 notebook in landscape, but you can do whatever you prefer. Give your timeline a name eg. the chapter it’s from or the main event. This is for easy reference later on. Next, place your ruler in the middle of the paper and draw 2 lines on each side of it. Leave some space at the end of the lines as you will draw an arrowhead there. Draw another arrowhead at the start of the 2 lines. It should look something like this:
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Step 3: Add in the Years
Step 4: Add in the Events
If a year has only 1 event, I use 2 lines to join the event and the year. (Shown below in 1947) If a year has multiple events, I use 1 line for each of them and a horizontal line to join those few lines together. Then, I used two lines to join that back to the year. (Shown below in 1948). I also colour coded them based on rainbow colours such that all the events in the same year had the same colour but you can do whatever you want haha! Keep the titles short and succinct. Once you have added in all the info, VOILA! you’re done!!!

Available: [accessed 30/03/2018]

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